The Chapel of Burtonwood was founded by Thos. Bold Esq., by a deed of feoffment, dated 27th, Sept. 1605. He conveyed a portion of land in trust from the Waste In Burtonwood, 40 roods In length and 20 roods In breadth. The rent charge to be one penny annually to him and his heirs on the Natal feast of St. John the Baptist. It appears by the proceedings of a Commission AD.PIUS.VSUS. before John Bishop of Chester on an inquisition taken at Wigan March 28th, 1627 That Thomas Darbishire of Burtonwood Yeoman…


Historical notes for a letter to the King

His Majesty the King, etc, Duke of Lancaster “Your Majesty,” In all humility and loyalty, certain of your subjects in the district of Burtonwood have interested themselves in completing historical records of their village and environs and contact is being made in this manner with all whose family and ancestral relationships are in any way connected with the story of Burtonwood. It may interest your Majesty to peruse the following historical data which shows the relationship between the House of Lancaster and those who lived literally at the beginning of…


Burtonwood, a history

Transcribed with the help of Andrew Fackey from documents in Chester Archives The information has been taken from Royal Lancaster Forests. Leghs of Lyme by Lady Newton. Annals of Warrington by Beaumont. Copies of charters from Warrington Museum. Information of the Parish from books kept by the Vicars, now in Preston Records Office. Royal Forests of Lancashire.1102-1116. Whilst the honour was in the King’s hands Burtonwood, a dependent manor of Warrington was taken into the Forest even as late as the mid 14th century. The Dukes of Lancaster still claimed…