ST, Oswald’s, Winwick.

There is no beginning to the istory of Winwick. It goes beyond the Fourteenth Century to the earliest days of the English, to a time “when a King of Mercia was resisting evangelisation with free slaughter; and then, when we seem to have come to the birth of the ancient Saxon village, we see it again in a remoter vista, shining magically in the opal light of legend. The learned Usher thought that Winwick was Caer Gwentquic, one of the twenty cities collected by the monk Gildas out of Nennius;…


Lady Hill – Newton-le-Willows

I noted that some questions have been asked about Lady Hill, a barrow or not a barrow? good question, I do not think its ever been investigated, The Rev Simpson conducted an investigation into the Castle Hill barrow/mound in the 1840s and it was also investigated in the c1988, but as far as I can discover, no investigations have been done on the the nearby Lady Hill mound. I have transcribed the following from the 1916 Vol II, J H Lane book on Newton. Its a description of the walk…


The Public Library – Crow Lane, Newton

The first library in Newton-in-Makerfield was, we believe, the one in connection with the Mechanics Institute held at the Printing Works. It contained some 400 volumes, which had a fair number of readers. Adult members paid 2s. 6d per quarter, 1s 6d. to the library, and 1s to the newsroom; junior members paid 1s. 3d. per quarter, 9d to the library and 6d to the newsroom. In the first quarter (April, May, June, 1853) there were 41 members. In 1868 the now extensive library in connection with the Viaduct Institute,…


Autobiography of Garret Ronayne

An old Indian Mutiny Veteran, who served diligently and faithfully throughout the mutiny of 1857-1858. Having been asked by several, of my friends to give a short sketch of my eventful career, I have pleasure in dedicating to them my autobiography in the hope that they will at last confirm a statement I have often made, that I am a most singular man. As it is about fifty-eight years ago since my enlisting in the army, I must respectfully request that my readers will forgive me for any mistakes I…


Newton le Willows: 1830 – 1945

I have spent the last few hours transcribing a thesis by Lynton J. Smith which I was loaned by Geoff Simm into a text file, so that It could be used here into the website, Its a splendid work on the growth of Newton le Willows & Earlestown between 1830 – 1945, at the moment the thesis is missing a few diagrams, but all the text is here, I will add some maps later. NEWTON LE WILLOWS: URBAN GROWTH UNDER THE MICROSCOPE 1830-1945 The spread of urban areas in this…


Castle Hill by the Rev. Edmund Sibson

The following account was written in 1843 by the Rev. Edmund Sibson, once Curate at Winwick, and after- wards Vicar of St. Thomass, Ashton-in-Makerfield, and is entitled “An Account of the Opening of an Ancient Barrow called Castle Hill, near Newton-in-Makerfield, in the County of Lancaster” This Photo of Castle Hill is from the 1916, Vol II, History of Newton in Makerfield, by J H Lane. edited and coloured from the original by Steven Dowd Mr Bainess Description. “At the distance of half a mile from and to the N.…


Antiquarian notes on our Neighbourhood

Historical and antiquarian notes on Warrington and its Neighbourhood By John Babson, Esq. The object of the present communication will be to combine as well as I can the evidence from historical records, local traditions, and existing remains, so that each may throw light upon the other, and afford something like a continuous history of the district you have passed through this afternoon. The earliest remains we have to notice are the Tumuli, of which we have two marked on the Ordnance Map, to the east, and a little to…


The Barons of Newton

Devices and Armorial Bearings of the Barons of Newton and their Kindred. This is a fragment of the seal of Warin Banastre, son of Robert Banastre, and heir to his brother Richard, who died 23rd April, 1205. This seal was appended to a grant in ” Waletona,” to one Alured, and is amongst the muniments of the Leghs of Lyme, which have supplied most of the seals here engraved. fig. 1 The deed to which this seal is appended being without date, it is uncertain whether it was used by…


Crow Lane Hall & Newton Serjeants

This building, probably the oldest in the township, was formerly a moated grange, vestiges of the moat being visible in the boyhood days of some of our septuagenarian residents. It is said to have been the abode of the serjeant (or bailiff) of the lord of the manor, a post of great importance in olden days, and corresponding to that of sheriff of more recent times. Its very probable that the Serjeants (or Sergeants as the name later became), who resided at Crow Lane Hall in the 15th, 16th, and…


Everton V Earlestown

Here are a few more facts about Earlestown FC 1899-00 Joined Lancashire League 1903 Lancashire League closed down 1903-04 Joined Lancashire Combination as founder members of new Division 2 Lancashire Combination Division Two runner-up Promoted to Division One 1906 Relegated to Division Two 1906-07 Lancashire Combination Division Two runner-up Promoted to Division One SEASON LEAGUE P W D L F A P POS 1899-00 LANCS 28 7 5 16 40 64 19 11/15 1900-01 LANCS 20 8 3 9 31 45 19 8/11 1901-02 LANCS 24 12 5 7 54…


Newton Cricket, Bowling, and Tennis Club

On the April 13th, 1858, a meeting was held in the Assembly-room, High-street, Newton-le-Willows, for the formation of a cricket club, W. Mercer, Esq., in the chair. A sum of upwards of £50 was announced as subscribed in the room. Officers were there-upon appointed, with W. J. Leah, Esq., as patron ; W. Mercer, Esq., president; Dr. J. W. Watkins, secretary ; and George McCorquodale, Esq., treasurer. On May 30th following the opening game was played. The ground was in excellent condition, and there was a good attendance of members.…


Some Earlestown Sporting History

My father, a supporter in the 1880s often spoke to me about the team in those early days. The playing field was at the back of the Swan Hotel, on Newton Common. He was present on this ground when the famous Preston North End Invincibles played Earlestown and beat the local team 19-0. I understand the record score for the Noah End was beating Hyde 26-0.! Earlestown also played Everton in the 1880s can you imagine it? A team from Earlestown playing against Everton in a cup final. Well, that…


Newton & Earlestown in 1895

I do not guarantee that my transcription doesn’t include some pretty basic mistakes, apart from my poor typing ability and bad spelling, some pages were very marked making them hard to read. I hope this transcribed text will be well received, its easily searched with the find on page facility included with most any web browsers from the browsers edit menu. There are two sections to this article, Newton-le-Willows is the top one, and Earlestown is the lower one, Hope you find them useful. NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS (SEE ALSO EARLESTOWN), INCLUDING ASHTON-IN-MAKERFIELD…


Earlestown & Newton in 1890

Bridge Street Earlestown

And now let us take a walk round Earlestown and Newton and see what it was like about 1890. Immediately to the left of Earlestown Station was a large open space where the shops now stand and which was a common playground for the youth of the neighbourhood. That side of the street has changed very little, except that the shops at the top have all been altered and had new fronts put in to meet changed conditions. On the other side, starting at the bottom, there was Mr. Attfields…


Southworth Burial Mound

Southworth Burial Mound Take Myddleton Lane (the ‘Eastern avenue’ off the Winwick mound) out of Winwick towards Culcheth and it will lead down the ley line towards Croft where it becomes Southworth Lane as it passes the ancient Southworth Hall over the M6 motorway. In the fields to the right Victorian Historical Journals from the Warrington Historical Society mention there may have been the burial mounds though these are now lost being ploughed flat, and in the field to the left on the Newton side, between the motorway and Southworth…